Driving Road Safety Message in Local Schools
Nestle Logistics, along with Cycle Alert, have taken the opportunity…

Fringe Week - Kings of the Road
Join Cycle Alert this week:
As part of a local 'fringe week'…

Lycra-Clad Yorkshireman Slaying the Dragons
Yorkshire cycling entrepreneur, John Readman, is featured on…
HGV Drivers Cycling for Charity
Be-known to many of us is that the majority of cyclists are motorists…
Exchanging Places - From Preston to P-Elephant and Castle
(Okay, so I need to work on the alliteration.) The past week…
Big Pedal and Family Fun Day
Preston’s Big Pedal & Family Festival is coming to Avenham…
What does Closing the Gender Gap for Women Cyclists look Like?
Last week I met up with committee members from the inaugural…
SideWalk Labs - Can Google make our Streets Safer for Cycling?
A report in the Times on 24 June 2015 states that recent DfT…
FORS is the Yin and CLOCS is the Yang - LAPV Future Fleet Forum
Last week brought me to Stoneleigh Park in order to take part…